Pepper is a medium, red, Goldendoodle. She has a soft, wavy coat and the perfect teddy bear structure that we strive to keep. She is very affectionate and loves people as well as other dogs. Pepper has clear genetics, OFA hips good, OFA elbows,eyes and heart normal.
Teddy is our foundation dog. He is an F1 Goldendoodle. He is 70lbs and 25”. Teddy loves people and very much takes after his Golden Retriever mom in structure as well as personality. Teddy has been tested and cleared of genetic diseases through Paw Prints and Embark. He has OFA certified hips, elbows, & heart.
Sawyer is our current mini stud. He is an F1b tri merle Goldendoodle. He is 30lbs, 18” tall. Sawyer has a soft wavy coat. He has a wonderful temperament, sweet, gentle and easy going. Sawyer has OFA certified hips, elbows, heart and eyes.
Harley is a puppy we produced. He is from Teddy and Briar. Harley is 50lbs. He can produce reds, creams, chocolates, and parti. Harley has OFA certified hips, elbows, heart and eyes. Genetic testing with Embark.
Rosie is an upcoming mama for mediuim Goldendoodles with Sawyer. She is 46 lbs. Genetics clear, OFA Hips and Elbows good. OFA heart and eyes normal. . Rosie is a happy and affectionate dog, training to be a therapy dog.
Aspen is a standard, F1bb cream and white Goldendoodle. She has OFA certified hips, elbows, and heart. Clear genetics.
Shay will be a future mama for our mini and medium Goldendoodles. Her genetics are tested with Embark and OFA hips are good, elbows normal. OFA eyes and heart pending.
Goldie is our upcoming mama for mini Goldendoodles. She is 25 lbs. We plan to pair her with outside stud, Summit, who is also a mini. Her genetics are clear and OFA’s will be done soon.
Sven is our upcoming stud. He is a standard, blue Merle Goldendoodle. He has a soft, wavy coat and outstanding temperament. He’s mellow and relaxed and loves to be with people and other dogs. Sven will be able to produce Merle, red, cream, black and chocolate, and parti puppies.
Russell is a mini Goldendoodle with a soft wavy coat and excellent temperament. He is very human focused. We will be pairing him with Pepper.
Summit is a mini Goldendoodle. He is approximately 25lbs full grown. We plan to pair him with Shay summer of 2025 and Goldie fall 2025.